Place of God in the universe

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Theories of God's Home

Many have debated about the powers of God. Many have debated about his presence. And those in debris, about his sanity too. But, idlers and procrastinators have toiled in their spare time about where God is? I am about to place before you two hypothetical theories which may well shake the foundations of other existing legends and theories. Contemplative thinkers ought to have realised by now that this page is filled with insane philosophy with no supportive proof. Hence, if you wish to get out, this might be the right time for it. Paranoia of any type may be possible.

Need for a different perspective :

A home, place of living, abode, call it whatever you may, is a place suitable to carry out all your operations from. There have been various theories to state where God lives. Some say he lives in a separate world created for him and those souls which reside with him. Some say it is Heaven. To quote The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, God lives in a small hut in a planet in the middle of nowhere. According to The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul, God(s) live along with us it this earth, and go to their city, Asgard only when needed. Other famous theories mainly consist of parallel universes. When you consider the above statements, Logic, as it seems, has taken a holiday. So, without further ado, let's get to my theory.

Theory 1 :

To stick to the basics, let us make the following assumptions. Arthur Hailey says that "When you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME". But when proposing on a controversial issue, it is difficult to move forward wothout imposing these priliminary constraints.
1. Forget the theory of Heaven And Hell
2. Don't premeditate the final result of this theory
3. And don't form the opinion that you know where this is leading to.

Now, coming to the theory, at last. Consider the fact of human belief that God is a person who control's each and every movement of each and every individual in this world and any other world, solar system or galaxy. So, he must be in a position to view all that is happening, directly or by telepathy. Now, the reason for disagreement for all other theories is that God is supernatural. So, forget this fact too. Now, God is just a person who is well ahead of his time, highly developed in science and technology, who sends his messengers, sometimes himself, to other planets to improve diplomatic relations,or to speak collocacially, for an expansion drive. So, when he has enough developments so as to produce life artificially, his place of living must also be developed to suit his ambience and must also be vast enough.

Now, as per Hindu mythology, one year for an earthling is supposed to be one day for God. Juxtaposing our theory from this source, we can calculate the place of God's planet.

1 year = time taken to revolve once around the sun
On average, distance between sun and earth = 93,000,000 miles.
If the earth revolves in a circular orbit, then,
Radius of Revolution = 93000000 miles.

now, 1 year = time taken for moving around the circumference (= 2*pi*R )
pi = 3.14285714

1 year = time for 1 revolution around the sun = traversing 584,336,233.5677 miles;
Now this is 1 day for a God.

So, God's planet travels 584,336,233.5677 miles per day.

The hitch faced at this point is that it is nowhere specified how many days a God's year contains.
Assuming it has 365 days, as for a human being,

1 year for God = travelling 365 * 584,336,233.5677 miles = 213,282,725,252.2105 miles.

So, if God's planet also moves around it's orbit in a circular fashion,
Distance between God's planet and it's sun, R(g) = 213,282,725,252.2105/(2*pi) = 33,944,999,999.9999 miles.
So, God's planet has an orbit 364.99999999999 times more larger than that of earth.

Hence, if we find such a huge Solar Sysem with a planet at exactly this distance then we can say with certainity that it is God's planet. From this point, finding his house will not be a problem.

Theory 2 :

God is a fictional product of a figment of man's imagination.

Though i hardly believe in the above statement, it is the only logical possibility if Theory 1 fails....

Post Script :

I kindly request all visitors to point out whatever flaws there may be in the above given theories. It might be instrumental in changing our view of the omniscient and omnipotent person, God.
